Thursday, December 08, 2011

Merry CHRISTmas!

I suppose I'm just not a "good" Christian. I don't get upset when some minimum-wage-earning clerk at the store says, "Happy Holidays!" instead of  Merry Christmas. I have several reasons for not letting this get to me. Let me explain.

1) One of my first jobs was as a retail clerk. On a typical 8-hour shift at my register I would ring through somewhere over 100 orders. By the end of the day, "Merry Christmas" simply meant move on and give me the next customer. It didn't mean anything to me as a clerk. And if it didn't mean anything to me (having repeated it ad nauseum) then I'm sure it didn't come across as being particularly meaningful to the hearers. I wonder how many other checkers feel this way?

2) Currently, my son and my wife work in retail. They both tell me they mix it up to not be bored. They may say, "Have a great day!" and mean it! They may say, "Merry Christmas!" and mean it! It depends on the customer and the moment of the day. Neither of them have mandates from their management about the words to use. They are simply trying to be sincere in talking to their customers. Nothing sinister here. I wonder how many other checkers feel this way?

3) The words "Merry Christmas" simply don't mean what we want them to mean anymore. To someone who is lost, "Happy Holidays" and "Merry Christmas" are synonymous with "Happy Chanukkah" or "Happy Kwanza" or "Seasons Greetings" or "Have a nice day." Simply greetings, no intent behind them whatsoever.

So, this is what I propose this CHRISTmas season. Instead of wearing buttons that demand people give you the words you want to hear, why not love people and introduce them to the CHRIST of CHRISTmas. This is the time when we remember the miracle of the Incarnation, but the Incarnation would be just a blip on the radar of history if Jesus doesn't go to the cross and offer atonement for our sin. In other words, Christmas doesn't mean much without Easter. So let's tell people about Jesus. His miraculous birth, His perfect life, His horrific death, and His victorious resurrection! Then we can give them the perfect CHRISTmas present, the opportunity to receive eternal life!

I simply can not get over the fact that Jesus reserved His harshest rebukes for the religious leaders (Pharisees, Saducees, etc). He called people to follow Him. He healed and loved. He demanded standards that are simply impossible without the Comforter (The Holy Spirit of God). So, let's not demand that lost people act like they are saved and understand what CHRISTmas is all about. Let's just love people and introduce them to our Savior. Let's preach the Gospel to our world. I'm pretty sure that  is what Jesus wanted.

Oh, and by the way......

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