Monday, November 07, 2011

I guess I'm just weird.

God has been adding to our congregation. It is very evident to me that the growth is coming directly from Him. I am working to be faithful. I am thoroughly enjoying what God is doing at Immanuel. 

The wounds from my past raise up their heads every now and then and I get worried about what bad thing might be getting ready to happen. Then, I confess my unbelief and thank God for the great things going on this moment. I know that is the right thing to do.

But those are not what I feel weird about. I feel weird in my feelings that I just don't have this whole thing figured out. I am surrounded by friends and peers who seem to just know exactly where they are going and exactly how everything should be. I don't have that kind of vision (perhaps I'm just not a visionary).

All I know for sure is that I need to do whatever God puts in my path next.

Perhaps a couple of examples to show how weird I am.

The North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has it all figured out. They have completely changed the way the relate to our state convention and our local association. They say it is for the better, the planting of more churches, the saving of more souls. And I have to admit that I was not a fan of most of what NAMB put out in the last bunch of years. Yet, I wonder if this rapid wholesale change of everything at once is the right tact to take? I'm weird. I wonder if a more phased approach would have been better. But, alas, the place where I serve has no voice in how we relate to NAMB. We are too small to even be eligible to have someone from our area on the board. So, those who think they know better dictate terms and tell us how it is going to be. I suppose (in the name of full disclosure) I should say that I am still not a fan of what NAMB is doing, though I like the motivation of churches and salvation increase.

At the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention meeting this past weekend, attendance was sad. I have many pastor friends and know of many of the churches in our convention, but most were not present. And I have the same problem in my association. The NAMB changes require action at both the convention and the association. Yet, the majority of the churches simply don't come to the meetings. And I wonder what keeps them home. Mind you, wading through business sessions is not my idea of a good time. But if I am going to ask my people to give sacrificially to the Cooperative Program, shouldn't I do all I can to help guide the very organizations that we are giving to? But I guess my friends have a better view of how things work than I do.

I wrestle with involvement. I ask the question, "What as the organization (SBC, MWBC, Association, NAMB, etc.) done for my church?" And I can answer, "Nothing." But haven't I preached against the "what's in it for me" attitude in my church? Is the Cooperative Program helping to advance the Gospel? If so, then we should seek to help that process. We give money, but we can also give time. And give time with no expectation of return except the advancement of God's Kingdom. Perhaps you know better.

Are SBC causes the only game in town? Absolutely not. But if we support them with our money (i.e., the Cooperative Program) should we not also support them with our time?

Focusing on working for the Kingdom with no expectation of visible return is a very different way of thinking. But then, I told you I was weird.

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