Our Declaration of Independence gives us reason to continually seek freedom, but our current political policies and procedures continue to demand reliance on the government. I am…
Men and women thinking 4-second sound-bites or single-thought memes hurled at one another are a replacement for civility and the free exchange of ideas. I am…
People of God declaring that adherence to one political structure or the other are measures of God’s favor, when His favor was declared complete on a bloody cross and in an empty tomb. I am…
Every decision in life is evaluated for its political impact with no regard for humanity. I am…
Attempting to have a reasoned debate about differences of opinion are met with accusations of hatred. I am…
Allowing foreign governments, multi-national corporations, and politicians to determine what the “narrative” of the day is. I am…
For the first time in 244 years, a peaceful change of the head of government seems impossible. I am…
Two political parties with very little real difference have divided us into camps ready to go to war. I am…
Frustrations, anger, hatred, turmoil, violence, sickness, evil, and animosity rule the day. Oh God, we are…
Humanity lost for eternity in their own sin. Oh God, we are…
Almighty maker of heaven and earth, hear our pleas! We know for certain you are the only answer. Because we are…
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