Thursday, January 04, 2007

Annual checklist

Yes, in many ways this is another New Year's post. If you read in the "blogosphere" at all, you will know that a vast majority of the posts in the last week or so have been about New Year's resolutions. And I am not being extremely creative or new in this post.

Every year in the very early part of January, there are things that I just have to get done. I have to pay for my dogs' licenses. I have to start looking and thinking about taxes. I pull out an annual calendar and start looking at things that I already know are scheduled throughout the year. I hope you take the time to start thinking about this new year and the new opportunities that God will put before you. It is an exciting, albeit office-bound, time for me. I don't get out much this time of year. I am working on planning and scheduling. I have found that the early part of January is relatively quiet. Things get busy again towards the end of the month and then straight through until camp in July. But January is a time to look at last year and think about next year.

And, in the spirit of the season, I should resolve to accomplish certain things this year. But I am tired of New Year's resolutions that don't make it much past February (if that long). I am tired of the inevitable sense of failure that I have, yet another, goal unrealized. So, instead of merely resolving this year, I would like to ask for your help. I am going to list some things I want to do this year, and I am asking the regular readers of this blog to ask me about it, publicly. If you press on the word "comment" at the bottom of every post, you will be taken to a form where you can post a comment to what I have said. Rather than always commenting on this particular post, feel free to ask me at any time, on any post how I am doing on my New Year's goals (or, if you must use the word, resolutions). So, without further ado, here are my goals for 2007:

1) To post at least once per week on this blog.

2) To get off my rather large backside and get on my treadmill at least 3 times per week.

3) To spend at least 4 hours per week in non-TV time with my family (this may seem small, but it will take some work on all of our part).

4) To spend more time in private prayer. (alas, this seems to be one of the things I sacrifice the quickest when things get busy, but it should be the thing I hold on to the tightest).

5) To ensure I get an update out to my prayer partners at least biweekly.

6) To tell someone the good new of Jesus at least once per week and to tell my church that I have done so.

7) To expect more from God and less of myself. "For me to die is gain and to live is Christ." I tend to think more is riding on me than I should. I have some responsibilities, but the ultimate growth of the Kingdom of God is God's work. I am to be His obedient servant, but I am not the producer of results. God alone does that.

I think those sum it up pretty well. Again, I am asking you, as a reader of this blog, to post a comment fairly often asking me how I'm doing. I trust that God will prompt you when I need the nudge.

May God bless you richly this year.

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