Wednesday, April 12, 2006


You know, life's pace gets so crazy that we don't have time to think. Because of an upcoming trip, I have been told that I need to rest. I need to rest to be able to stay as healthy as possible and be part of what God is doing on this trip. Of course, I get that message on a hectic day in the middle of a hectic week. Is God telling me something?

Then, my biological brother asks if I am free for him to come visit me. I looked at our calendar and we don't slow down until sometime next month. And even those dates are probably going to get gobbled up by one activity or another. It is craziness. My brother and I actually have to schedule time to get together. And if we don't schedule it, we both know we won't have time together. We're so busy...

I have found it too easy to start to slack off on things that are vitally important. My relationships with my wife, my children, my church, my parents, my siblings, my friends, and, most tragically, my God have all suffered as I attempted to do it all in the name of ministry. These are the very things that if you are too busy to do, you are just TOO BUSY!

So, yes, I am just too busy. There, I've admitted it, that gets me 90% of the way to recovery, right? But, you know, in the pages of the Bible, I have found the answer. I have found the key by watching Jesus. At regular intervals during His ministry, Jesus withdrew for some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle. Basically, Jesus understood the power of Psalm 46:10. The KJV says, "Be still and know that I am God." It is powerful, but the NAS has it even stronger. "Cease striving and know that I am God."

When we can learn to actually trust that all the results belong to God. That He does not call us to be super human. He calls us to trust Him. When we really understand that concept with ever fiber of our being to the very bottom of our hearts, then, and only then, will we truly see God's power made manifest in (and with and through) us.

I am going to take some time to cease striving and know that He is God. Will you join me?

Be still....................

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